boiler distributor replacement cost failure leak

Nice to meet you。It is a professional company that runs to any site damaged by water leakage. Recently, we have been doing a lot of work by replacing the boiler distributor.I sometimes ask about the cost of replacing the boiler distributor. If a leak occurs in an apartment, direct damage can occur to the house, but there are many cases where the damage continues to the next house. If it is confirmed that a leak occurs, you need to contact a professional company like us to identify the Seowon and repair it. If the cause is not properly identified and left unattended, more damage may occur later, so it is recommended to have it checked and repaired through an expert even if it is troublesome. The customer who contacted us this time seems to have a leak, but he asked for confirmation, so we went to the site.

When I arrived at the site and listened to the customer, they said the boiler was in a strange condition.You said that you need to check because the error code of low water level is displayed. Fortunately, it was not a situation where water leaked from the ceiling of the house below, so I was able to proceed with the work a little more leisurely. First of all, it was important to find out why such an error occurred.

First of all, we conducted an air pressure test because there is a possibility of water leakage in the heating piping. The pneumatic test is an inspection that injects air into the piping with a compressor to drain remaining water, finds the part where air comes out, and identifies the leak point. It’s basically a process, but it’s an important part. I checked and found a leak in the heating pipe. As soon as I put pressure on him, he would get out of the situation. The boiler’s heating water kept running out and the water became low, which gave me a low water level error code. I suspect that it may have broken down, but if there is a water replenishment error code, there are many cases where heating pipes leak rather than boiler failure.

There was a heating distributor just below, and it was determined that a leak occurred here. When I tried gas detection and listening sound detection, the distributor was the cause.If you go to the site like this, the work will proceed easily if you quickly identify the cause, but otherwise it will take longer and more difficult. Fortunately, the cause can be identified quickly, so we just need to find out exactly where the leak is.

After checking the boiler distributor thoroughly, I could see that there was a problem with this part by looking at the moisture on my hands. In addition to the degree to which it can be touched, water dripped down and I was able to check the leak in the boiler distributor. If there is a problem with the boiler, it will cause inconvenience to customers, so we are trying to deal with it as quickly and cleanly as possible. If there is a problem with the distributor like this, the boiler distributor needs to be replaced.

If a boiler leaks, the distributor should usually be replaced. In this case, it was inevitable to be replaced, so I removed it and found a huge hole. The reason why the distributor opens like this is because hot water passes.These problems can occur because various parts are not used permanently. It explains in detail everything from the cost of replacing the boiler distributor to repairing water leaks.

In order to replace the distributor, the replacement cost may vary depending on the number of units.These days, it’s cold and it’s time to turn on the heater a lot, so there are many problems while using it, so we’re going out. If you use a lot of heaters, old distributors often have to be replaced. We will replace it with the one that can be distributed just like the one previously installed.

We replaced it with a new distributor that can be replaced with an existing product and connected the piping. Even in the process of connecting, they work hard and check.When the boiler distributor is broken and replaced, the connection should be good.It’s hard to connect, and it checks to prevent water leakage. After connecting without water leakage, all you have to do is run the boiler and check.Words cannot describe the inconvenience of using boilers because of cold weather. It’s good to check it beforehand, but there are many cases where a problem occurs during use and replace it. We are trying to solve the problem by going out as soon as possible.After completing the construction, the boiler will be operated, so I confirmed that it will return without any problems. When I put air pressure on the heating piping, the pressure maintenance is normal unlike before. Most people know that the boiler simply broke down when an error code was issued. You should ask an expert when you are not sure.I often use boilers because it’s cold, but sometimes they can’t be used due to water leaks. We are providing detailed information on the cost of replacing the boiler distributor and consultation, so please feel free to contact us and we will handle it kindly. If you call me anytime, I’ll go to the scene quickly.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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