self-driving truck and freight market

The emergence of self-driving trucks is expected to bring about major changes in management, transaction structure, and employment in the freight transportation market, where at least one driver must be assigned to one truck to receive and deliver cargo. In order to effectively introduce autonomous driving technology in the actual freight transportation market and increase market acceptance, support policies and response strategies considering the structural characteristics of the domestic freight transportation market must be prepared.

The emergence of self-driving trucks is expected to bring about major changes in management, transaction structure, and employment in the freight transportation market, where at least one driver must be assigned to one truck to receive and deliver cargo. In order to effectively introduce autonomous driving technology in the actual freight transportation market and increase market acceptance, support policies and response strategies considering the structural characteristics of the domestic freight transportation market must be prepared.

In the new change, the waves called the fourth industrial revolution, digital conversion, digital conversion, digital conversion, digital conversion, digital conversion, digital conversion.In such changes in this change, the reduction of human resources, the development of human resources, as a representative case.A distribution department including freight transport services are traditional industrial and the number of businesses are traditional industrial and the number of businesses.However, development of the development of the artificial intelligence, robot, and classification robot, and classification robot, etc. of each process.In other words, the operation maintenance of logistics is converted to machines and system.In particular, the actual drive goods that the automatic driving cargo vehicle to be assigned to least one driver for the number of cargo and delivery of goods, such as businesses, etc.A key provider ELECTRIC OPERATION SERVICE FOR PROVIDING OPERATION TECHANISM, which is currently listed in the technology, and automatically operated by the block chain, and automatically driving techn.According to the global distribution trends analysis and observation, the digital distribution area, robot and automatically includes major technology of digital data analysis, and automation of the digital data analysis and automation.

In order to commercialize autonomous driving in mid- to long-distance trunk transportation, many logistics companies and automakers have actively carried out pilot projects centered on expressways, and considerable technological development has been made. In 2016, Scania succeeded in transporting cargo between Sweden and the Netherlands with crowd driving (semi-automatic driving) driven by leading vehicle drivers, and is also actively preparing to operate self-driving cargo vehicles through annual projects in Korea. Strategy & (2018) estimated that the use of trucks will increase to about 2.7 times the current level due to autonomous driving technology.3) The move is aimed at increasing the turnover rate of cargo trucks by allowing autonomous driving technology to overcome operating time limits. This is expected to be a solution to the shortage of truck drivers. In addition, autonomous driving technology is expected to reduce costs and reduce the burden on the industry on environmental impact by minimizing fuel consumption by minimizing air resistance in case of cluster driving as well as route efficiency. McKinsey & Company (2018) analysis team predicted a 10-year period from limited cluster driving to fully autonomous driving through the application of self-driving truck technology, and a 45% overall cost reduction through the application of fully autonomous driving in the final stage.

1) Reuters event (8.47.42018) , 7 pages, 7 pages, ロイター – Release – & (8.9.20), “Track 4.0, —AUTOMATPS/WG (202020202020) and :

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